Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vietnamese-American artist hosts HCMC exhibition

Paper, silk, thread and ink provided the medium for 17 paintings and embroideries showing at an ongoing exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City.
The exhibition Nhat ky tu tran chien ay voi 10.000 tau thuy (My diary from that battle with 10,000 ships) will go on until November 18.
The show features Vietnamese-American Tammy Nguyen’s imaginary diary about a battle at sea. The ships can be interpreted as challenges faced by the 26-year-old female artist.
Nguyen studied at the Cooper Union School of Art in New York before she moved to HCMC on a Fulbright Grant two years ago to further her studies in the traditional techniques of lacquer. Nguyen’s main influences are Chinese calligraphy and Islam.
The ships that are featured in the exhibition are drawn on large pieces of paper in ink and in such a way that they are reminiscent of calligraphic symbols.
Nguyen’s second solo exhibition in Vietnam is now on display at L’ Usine at 151 /1 Dong Khoi Street, District 1.

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